Phylogenetic study of the Korean Setaria taxa derived from nuclear DNA internal transcribed spacer a
Genetic transitions of Setaria elite cultivars reveal impacts of planting configuration adjustment o
Crop improvement is a multifaceted micro-evolutionary process, involving changes in breeding approaches, planting config......
Identification of a yellow stripe-like 1 (ysl-1) gene related to metal transport and chloroplast dev
Many metal ions (Fe, Cu, Zn, e.g.) are essential cofactors for cellular redox reactions involved in photosynthesis r......
Foxtail millet(Setaria italica)and its wild ancestor green foxtail(S.viridis)are well known for their drought resistance......
Assessment of Genetic Relationship of Foxtail Millet with Its Wild Ancestor and Close Relatives by I
Inter simple sequence repeat(ISSR) analysis was applied to samples of foxtail millet and its wild ancestor and other clo......
谷子(Setaria italica)和黍(Panicum miliaceum)是中国北方种植的最重要的传统谷物。在大约7,000年前的新石器时代遗址中,曾发现最......
狗尾草学名Setaria Viridis Beauv,属禾本科狗尾草属、花期夏末秋初,是很常见的野生杂草,属风媒花植物,分布我省各地。国外的研究......
With the increase of herbicide-resistant weeds, novel, more selective and even more potent herbicides to control weeds a......
Carbon isotope ratios (δ 13C) of 89 C4 plant samples were determined from the loess area in North China. δ 13C values ......
Plant crop remains from the outer burial pit of the Han Yangling Mausoleum and their significance to
A large amount of carbonized plant remains were discovered in one of the outer burial pits of the Han Yangling Mausoleum......
Mapping Soil Organic Carbon Stocks of Northeastern China Using Expert Knowledge and GIS-based Method
The main aim of this paper was to calculate soil organic carbon stock(SOCS) with consideration of the pedogenetic horizo......
卡选14号良种狗尾草(下简称卡选14),是从卡松古鲁狗尾草(Kazungula Setaria)杂合群 体中选育的.为多年生禾本科牧草.适合建植人工......
Objective:To elucidates the immunoprophylactic potential of glutathion-s-transferase(GST) from cattle filarial parasite ......
本文报道了指状腹腔丝虫(Setaria digi-tata)某些特征性抗原与丝虫病患者血清及班氏丝虫微丝蚴表面抗原交叉反应的研究结果。从牛......
为在基本消灭丝虫病地区纵向监测时提供区别蚊体内人、畜丝虫幼虫的科学依据,我们于1984年8~9月,对马腹腔丝虫(Setaria equina)在......
丝虫幼虫在蚊体内发育的研究,P. K. Murthy(1981)曾用伊蚊感染亚周期马来丝虫后,逐日检查幼丝虫在蚊体的变化,王明志(1982)对牛指......
狗尾草Setaria viridis(L.)Beauv.是黑龙江省杂草中仅次于稗草(Echinochloa erusgalli)的危害种群。据调查狗尾草发生频率为49%,危......
粟锈病菌(Uromyces setariae-italicae(Diet.)Yoshino)的寄主范围,国内外研究报导不一,戴芬澜等(1958)曾报导青狗尾草(Setaria vi......
In vitro antifilarial activity of Azadirachta indica aqueous extract through reactive oxygen species
Objective:To evaluate an aqueous preparation from the Azadirachta indica leaves(AEA) against Setaria cervi(S.cervi),a mo......
Phenotypic Plasticity of Life History Characteristics: Quantitative Analysis of Delayed Reproduction
Green foxtail (Setaria viridis L.) is a common weed species in temperate regions. Research on the effect of delayed repr......
Effects of fi laricidal drugs on longevity and enzyme activities of the microfilariae of Setaria cer
Objective: To analyse the efficacy of diethylcarbamazine(DEC), tetramisole and chlorpromazine on the longevity and activ......
原向阳:博士,教授研究方向:作物化学调控与化学除草发表的代表性作品论文1.X Y Yuan,L G Zhang,L Huang,et al.Photosynthetic and......
植物名称:谷子(Setaria italica)和金狗尾草(S.lutescens)。材料类别:幼穗。待幼穗长到长度约为2厘米长时,连同外包的旗叶叶鞘一......
植物名称:谷子(Setaria italica)九谷品种。材料类别:大田栽培的九谷取用穗长约2~15cm的幼穗。培养条件:(1)愈伤组织的诱导采用组......
卡选14良种狗尾草,是广西畜牧研究所牧04课题组1981年底从非洲狗尾草(Setaria anceps)——卡松古鲁狗尾草(Kazungula setaria)杂......
一、特征与特性 非洲狗尾草(Setaria anceps stapf.)原产非洲,是禾本科狗尾草属多年生草本植物。须根发达,根颈较宽,分蘖多,茎较......
狗尾草(Setaria sphacelata)是一种高产牧草,栽培在热带有灌溉条件的土地上,一年内可收获7次。但是,由于缺乏有关狗尾草的营养价......
1989年,进行了谷子(Setaria italica)Ch4n×法氏狗尾草位(S.fabeiii)的远缘杂交和杂种胚培养。共接种已授粉子房264个,得到22株苗,......
卡选14号狗尾草,系1981年底从引种的卡松占鲁狗尾草(Setaria anceps cv kazungula)杂合群体中发现,经过四年时间选育成功.1985年1......
卡选14号良种狗尾草(下简称卡选14),是从卡松古鲁狗甩草(Kazungula sctaria)杂合群体中选育的。经在不同地形质地土壤栽培及繁种......
卡松古鲁狗尾草Setaria anseps cv.Ka-zungula为禾本科狗尾草属多年生牧草,是非洲狗尾草的一个栽培种.澳大利亚是从肯尼亚引入的,......
卡松古鲁狗尾草为非洲狗尾草(Setaria anceps)中的主要栽培种。原产于赞比亚,发展于南非,主要栽培在南非、罗得西亚和澳大利亚,它......
金色狗尾草(Setaria Lutescens(Weig)F.T.Hubb)是分布在华南红壤山区的山坡、田野、园地、路旁的一种常见散生的禾本科牧草,有的......
89201 谷子种间杂交和多倍体育种的数量性状——(H.Darmency等)Genome,1987,Vol.29,No.3,453~456(英文,法文) 列表所示为栽培谷子(......
通过引种,筛选,用大翼豆 (Macroptilium atropur purum)和狗尾草(Setaria sphacelata)混播建立人工草场有许多优越性。两者都有发......